Friday 19 March 2010

Free range is the way forward

I was shocked when I heard in the news about inspectors finding out that a number of eggs in Derbyshire, England are being sold as free range when they are in fact from battery hens.

Before my family and I had chickens I noticed the different prices of the eggs when I was shopping. Being a university student who is living on a tight food budget I never really thought of the different conditions the eggs were being laid.

Since we have had chickens when at home I have been eating the eggs they have laid. And then when I am back at university I always make sure I pay that bit of extra money to get the free range eggs.

It usually ends up in a discussion with some people. For example on Pancake Day, myself and two of my housemates Gary and Andy decided that we would make pancakes together and all put money towards the ingredients.

When we got to the eggs I found cheap one that were about 90p but then soon realised that they weren’t free range, so I found the next ones up which were free range and cost about £1.46. Even though they both questioned me because they would also have to pay the extra I knew if I didn't get the free range it would be on my conscience and I would have to deal with it.

Even though the chickens scare me I could not face knowing they are being caged up whilst laying eggs, whilst I could pay that extra 50p and make a bit of a difference.

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