The ex battery chickens were kept in a small cage on a battery farm. They spent all day in a small cage; tied up by the neck.
When the chickens were released they couldn't walk as they have been cooped up in the cage for so long, some even had bald patches as they had been kept in an unhealthy environment.
The Battery Hen Welfare Trust work together with the battery farms, and help to rescue the chickens and to offer them the free range home they deserve. People who want to take care of the chickens will not be charged by the trust but many of the people make a donation.
Once the chickens were rescued they are taken to a barn where they are released to run around freely. People then have the chance to collect chickens and take them home. This is exactly what my mom did after a rescue took place at Coventry.
To see so many chickens running freely in a barn, many struggling to even keep on their feet, was heart breaking even as someone who is petrified of them.
When the chickens were brought home they were placed into an eglu similar to the one that the other chickens live in.
However the chickens had to be kept separately from the first chickens that we took care of because they would begin to fight.
So then we had three more!
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