Tuesday 13 April 2010

I am being made a fool of

So everyone in my family knows that I am afraid of the chickens and my older sisters are also a bit wary of them. But there are a couple of people who are making me look like a fool.

My three year old nephew, six year old niece and ten year old sister.

These three people over the last couple of months have become extremely brave with the chickens and now actually enjoy when they come out of the pen so they can pick them up and put them back in.

My three old nephew, Adam is fearless.

I now have insults shouted at me from these little kids saying "don't be afraid they aren't going to hurt you."

And another one of their favourite phrases "Come here Auntie Faye, let me show you how it's done!"

I am sure more pictures of my sister and niece will follow just so they can show that they are not afraid of holding the chickens.


  1. I just want to say im loving this blog especially knowing what u can do with the eggs and seeing u come over your fear and seeing little ones not being scared of the chickens , really usefull and interesting blog xx

  2. What a great idea my whole family see you as a great insipration on how open you are about your fears and we feel it is a great how you log every detail of your events.

  3. Just they wait till Auntie Faye day and they have to worship Faye's all over, and the chickens turn on them.

    Or when you cook the chickens.

  4. come on faye! chickens are probably as scared of you as they are of you!;)
